Anticipate a 25-40 minute drive depending on which hospital you choose. We refer patients to these facilities because they provide excellent medical care, are open 24 hours a day, and are highly trained in the treatment of life-threatening emergencies. They will share the details of your visit and arrange follow-up with our hospital if appropriate.
Daytime Emergencies: Emergencies are accepted any time our clinic is open. If you feel you have an emergency with your pet, please call us or come to the hospital immediately. If possible it is best to call before coming in so that we may prepare for your arrival and a staff member can advise you on your particular emergency.
We believe our patients should receive the highest quality emergency care. The above emergency hospitals are able to provide this with their 24-hour emergency/critical care service with referral to specialists on an as needed basis. Please call them before transporting your pet so that they can prepare for your arrival.